Candidates For Induction
Final determination of induction is made by the demographically balanced selection committee, whose composition is overseen by the Board of Directors. The Selection Committee is supplemented by our advisory council of academic consultants. Full consideration for Induction is given not only to the basic demographic categories of race/ethnicity, gender, orientation and gender identification, but also to Fields of Contribution and Nations of Origin. All candidate classes identified by the Selection Committee are approved by the TLP Board, which has the ultimate responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the exhibit over the years. Plaque sponsors choose from the approved list of Candidates For Induction which results from the selection process.

Alan L. Hart

Allen Ginsberg

Angelina Weld Grimké

Bessie Smith

Dag Hammarskjöld

Daniel Sotomayor

Dusty Springfield

Federico García Lorca

Frances Perkins

George Washington Carver

Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas

Gladys Bentley

Glenn Burke

Gloria E. Anzaldúa

Harry Hay

Henry Gerber

Jean Cocteau

Jeanne Deckers aka The Singing Nun

José Sarria

June Jordan


Ma Rainey

Manuel Ramos Otero

Margaret Mead

Marlon Riggs


Octavia Butler

Paula Gunn Allen

Pearl Hart

Quentin Crisp


Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

Tennessee Williams

The Road to Marriage Equality

Thomas Dooley

Virginia Woolf